

import java.util.List;

import org.apache.log4j.Logger;

import org.hibernate.Criteria;

import org.hibernate.SessionFactory;

import org.hibernate.criterion.Restrictions;

import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired;

import org.springframework.stereotype.Repository;


* Hibernate implementation of College DAO.


* @author SUNRAYS Developer

* @version 1.0

* @Copyright (c) SUNRAYS Technologies



public class CollegeDAOHibImpl implements CollegeDAOInt {


private SessionFactory sessionFactory;

private static Logger log = Logger.getLogger(CollegeDAOHibImpl.class);


* Adds a College


* @param dto

* @throws DatabaseException


public long add(CollegeDTO dto) {

log.debug("DAO add Started");

long pk = (Long) sessionFactory.getCurrentSession().save(dto);

return pk;



* Updates a College


* @param dto

* @throws DatabaseException


public void update(CollegeDTO dto) {

log.debug("DAO update Started");


log.debug("DAO update End");



* Deletes a College


* @param dto

* @throws DatabaseException


public CollegeDTO delete(long id) {

log.debug("DAO delete Started");

CollegeDTO dto = findByPK(id);

if (dto != null) {



return dto;



* Finds College by PK


* @param pk

* : get parameter

* @return dto

* @throws DatabaseException


public CollegeDTO findByPK(long pk) {

System.out.println("DAO findByPK Started");

CollegeDTO dto = null;

dto = (CollegeDTO) sessionFactory.getCurrentSession().get(

CollegeDTO.class, pk);

System.out.println("DAO findByPK End");

return dto;



* Finds College by Name


* @param name

* : get parameter

* @return dto

* @throws DatabaseException


public CollegeDTO findByName(String name) {

System.out.println("DAO findByName Started");

CollegeDTO dto = null;

List list = sessionFactory.getCurrentSession()


.add(Restrictions.eq("name", name)).list();

System.out.println("list size in find by name dao" + list.size());

if (list.size() == 1) {

dto = (CollegeDTO) list.get(0);

System.out.println("DTO not null");


System.out.println("DAO findByName End");

return dto;



* Searches Colleges with pagination


* @return list : List of Colleges

* @param dto

* : Search Parameters

* @param pageNo

* : Current Page No.

* @param pageSize

* : Size of Page

* @throws DatabaseException


public List search(CollegeDTO dto, int pageNo, int pageSize) {

System.out.println("DAO search Started");

Criteria c = sessionFactory.getCurrentSession().createCriteria(


if (dto.getId() > 0) {

c.add(Restrictions.eq("id", dto.getId()));


if (dto.getName() != null && dto.getName().length() > 0) {

c.add("name", dto.getName() + "%"));


if (dto.getAddress() != null && dto.getAddress().length() > 0) {

c.add("addrsss", dto.getAddress() + "%"));


if (dto.getState() != null && dto.getState().length() > 0) {

c.add("state", dto.getState() + "%"));


if (dto.getCity() != null && dto.getCity().length() > 0) {

c.add("city", dto.getCity() + "%"));


if (dto.getPhoneNo() != null && dto.getPhoneNo().length() > 0) {

c.add(Restrictions.eq("phoneNo", dto.getPhoneNo()));


// if page size is greater than zero then apply pagination

if (pageSize > 0) {

c.setFirstResult((pageNo - 1) * pageSize);



List list = null;

list = c.list();

System.out.println("Session Factory in search :" + sessionFactory);

System.out.println("DAO search End");

return list;



* Searches Colleges


* @return list : List of Colleges

* @param dto

* : Search Parameters

* @throws DatabaseException


public List search(CollegeDTO dto) {

return search(dto, 0, 0);

